Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tthe caged tiger

What was once a mighty beast, which walked with pride and power, now begged from food by the thing that put him there, humans. He hated them they took everything away his family and friends they were so selfish and uncaring. He wanted so badly to be free and feel the wind beneath his fur and hear the rustling of the leaves that was a good time. He moped around and didn’t care he sat there all day and night year after year watching people laugh and point at him. He was imprisoned for life and no one could do anything. A pool of water lapped at the front of this bared prison. Over dated meat sat in lumps all around the enclosure. It made him dizzy and confused. His wet tongue flopped out of his mouth. His nose was good at sniffing anymore. His coat was too polished, he didn’t like it this way. He liked to feel the hard mud stiffing in his dirty coat but not anymore. Nothing was the same as it once was.

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